WhoshouldIsee Tracks


Cordless provides Consultancy, Strategy, Design and Assurance for most low voltage building technologies including AV, ICT, BMS, Lighting, Smart and IoT. Our specialist skills teams work together as one holistic Digital Engineering Team bringing an efficient, broad and highly experienced capability for our projects, ensuring an integrated delivery for our clients.

IT Physical Infrastructure

An essential requirement of any development is the physical connectivity in a building that supports the building services including Structured Cabling Systems, Data Centres, Fibre Technology and Equipment Rooms.

Physical IT Infrastructure is a core requirement for a sustainable, flexible, scalable and future-proof communication system in every building or campus. The need to maximise use of space puts pressure on all services to be flexible, scalable and fit for use for today and unknown future needs and capacities too.

The IT infrastructure must provide resilience, redundancy and be designed such that risks including flooding or accidental damage are mitigated.

Harmonising the design of the Structured Cabling and the IT network infrastructure ensures that an integrated solution is provided. In this way, Cordless ensures that technologies continue to evolve and are not hampered by restricted infrastructure schemes.

Cordless Consultants has extensive experience planning, designing, and providing assurance at all stages within complex projects and challenging timelines.

We provide:

Structured Cabling System design, IT Equipment Room design, Data Centre design, power/heat calculations, containment routes and sizing and coordination of the IT infrastructure with the building design.