Places for People to Play
Project Overview
The nature of what we do as trusted Consultants means that we can’t name all of our projects, but here’s a taste of the experience of our team working in Places for People to Play…
Multi-purpose 21,000-person capacity Sports Stadium, Middle East
- ICT and AV System Design through Concept, Schematic Design and Design Development stages RIBA stages 2 – 3.
- Full ICT network design, pervasive Wi-Fi, large LED displays and pitch side advertising and broadcast infrastructure
London based 17,000-person capacity Community Sports Stadium
- Consultancy for state-of-the-art AV, IT and Broadcast infrastructure
- Fully compliant for both Premier League and Rugby Union standards
Health and Wellness Stadium, Middle East
- 40,000-person capacity Sports Stadium
- Consultancy for AV, IT and Broadcast infrastructure